Oh Jill! I’ve just dropped my soft-boiled egg while reading this - held in my hand because using an egg cup in a campervan is for dorks - every word was a delight. I’ve been behind on my reading for a while now but OMG I’m so thrilled it was THIS post I woke up to this morning. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got some very drippy dippy egg to wipe up before heading out into the wilds….!
Oh Jill! I’ve just dropped my soft-boiled egg while reading this - held in my hand because using an egg cup in a campervan is for dorks - every word was a delight. I’ve been behind on my reading for a while now but OMG I’m so thrilled it was THIS post I woke up to this morning. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got some very drippy dippy egg to wipe up before heading out into the wilds….!
Interesting debate. One might argue that dropping your egg is more of a dork move, whereas having a special Camper Van Egg Cup (as well as a Camper Van Cheese Knife and storable Butter Board) would be more of a purist nerd move... Happy to consider this further in the spirit of academic inquiry. ☺️ Thank you for reading Rebecca. Go enjoy the (hopefully troll-free) wilds!! x
🤣 Ye Gods - a cheese knife and a butter board?! Heck, I travel with everything ready-made or very easy to do - home-cooked blocks of freezer food which tesselate beautifully into the freezer compartment - eggs boiled in an egg boiler (a recent £22.99 investment which means we are NOT starting every day in a van full of steam) - and Jim has a tidy stash of dehydrated camping food which is perfect to shove into a food flask with 300ml of boiling water so he can have a hot lunch during a shoot. And speaking of shoots, please shoot ME if you ever see me chopping an onion in the van to make an evening meal from scratch....!
Oh Jill! I’ve just dropped my soft-boiled egg while reading this - held in my hand because using an egg cup in a campervan is for dorks - every word was a delight. I’ve been behind on my reading for a while now but OMG I’m so thrilled it was THIS post I woke up to this morning. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got some very drippy dippy egg to wipe up before heading out into the wilds….!
Interesting debate. One might argue that dropping your egg is more of a dork move, whereas having a special Camper Van Egg Cup (as well as a Camper Van Cheese Knife and storable Butter Board) would be more of a purist nerd move... Happy to consider this further in the spirit of academic inquiry. ☺️ Thank you for reading Rebecca. Go enjoy the (hopefully troll-free) wilds!! x
🤣 Ye Gods - a cheese knife and a butter board?! Heck, I travel with everything ready-made or very easy to do - home-cooked blocks of freezer food which tesselate beautifully into the freezer compartment - eggs boiled in an egg boiler (a recent £22.99 investment which means we are NOT starting every day in a van full of steam) - and Jim has a tidy stash of dehydrated camping food which is perfect to shove into a food flask with 300ml of boiling water so he can have a hot lunch during a shoot. And speaking of shoots, please shoot ME if you ever see me chopping an onion in the van to make an evening meal from scratch....!