The tension was exquisite, and the details so real life. 👏👏

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Thank you James 🙏

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You’re welcome, Jill.

While not a lawyer, I spent a few decades in the corporate world starting back in the 90’s and know the scene, and the tension, at a personal level. Your depiction is 💯

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Love the tension of the scene you described/created. The texting was very sexy in the IRL setting. Looking forward to what happens next. Thanks for this!

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David 🙏 thank you

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Good, very insightful, yes, that’s how it slips, the mind games, denials, plowing forward regardless to romantic disaster, all predetermined.

I did struggle with the British lawyer jargon but got through it.

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No denials but def a healthy dose of predeterminism…!

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Ha, ha, no denials?

Wow, well, how about at least a dash of guilt?

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Well (1) this is fiction but also (2) I think the whole “look what you’ve done” theme is a more interesting take on guilt than self-flagellation… people do all kinds of things and for all kinds of reasons. It’s just as interesting to me that some people do the right thing for the wrong reasons (ie: not their own reasons but others’, and does that not make those reasons a little… wrong and inauthentic?)… as well as do incredibly selfish-but honest and authentic?-things…

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First, a good fiction story conveys more truth/reality than most non fiction.

I’m 81, my hindsight midden, if mined with honest insight, reveals a life lived, I didn’t know existed when lived.

Despite selfish veins discovered, I don’t wallow in guilt, just accept being human.

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After the last riveting instalment I had to find out what happened to all those pheromones! Well told, Jill.

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Thank you Wendy 🙏 glad you enjoyed it x

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My word, Jill. What a story.

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💞Lindsay 🙏🙏

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Dear, oh dear. Could happen to anyone, but never told with such ... urgency. This is a movie.

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Not yet it’s not… ❤️😘

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Bravo. So good to have the notebooks back. Loved the "senior associate." Among other things, "She couldn’t have been more than five years older than me but a face like an aged monkey and a hacking laugh to match"

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Monkey associate. 🥰

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"When you do a shitty job, how long before the shit starts to wipe off on other parts of your life?"

Yeah, that.

This is so relatable that I keep looking over my shoulder to make sure no one is watching me read it.

Guilt, or shame?

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🤝 not just you, John x

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I’m starting to feel like a naughty voyeur! Is this grubby of me?😬

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Just the right amount 👌

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Thank you Carlo!

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